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Speed torque and power - Free Essay Example

ABSTRACT The aim of the project PC MONITORING OF DYNAMOMETER is to measure and display the Speed Torque and Power of Motor. The behaviour of motor under load and no load characteristics have been studied with the help of virtual instrumentation. The variations in the motor Speed, Torque and Power at no load torque and full load torque have been analysed. Power determines the efficiency of the motor. Torque is varied by altering resistance in the dynamometer control circuit. The entire system will interface with a PC providing virtual instrumentation and data logging facilities. The graphical programming software has been used to study the characteristics of the motor by loading. Data logging and analysis is done by implementing the concept of LabVIEW. AIMS The aim of the project to build and develop the LabVIEW Program to acquire and analyse the data with the help of ADC card. Speed, Torque and Power of the shunt wound dc motor are acquired and analysed. OBJECTIVES Implement the concept of virtual instrumentation. Develop LabVIEW program to acquire Torque, Speed and Power. Analyse the motor characteristics under load and no load using the visual programming. To show the difference between acquiring the data manually and applying Virtual Instrumentation. Chapter 1 gives the introduction to the Motors, Labview and the literature review to realise the project. Chapter 2 is the study of Virtual Instrumentation and Labview programming. Chapter 3 explains the terms Torque, Speed Power asscociated with the shunt motor. Chapter 4 includes the experimental setup for the project with the specifications and the individual work of each and every component. Chapter 5 discussion part includes the introduction to LabVIEW tools used in the programming for the project. Chapter 6 contains the analysis for the manual operation of the motor when load is applied. Includes Torque, Speed, and Voltage characteristics. Chapter 7 includes the labview program for Speed, Torque and Power with the analysis for motor under loaded conditions. Chapter 8 includes the conclusions and the future scope of the project. CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION The extent to which electrical energy is used has influence on the development of industry and the economic prosperity of nation. Therefore rather than conserving the energy, methods need to be implemented to control the electrical energy and hence it can be possible only when the problems associated with the system are analysed and rectified with use of technology and time limitation. In industries the shunt wound motors are used where speed control is a critical aspect. The shunt wound motors are highly flexible, versatile and even the operation costs are minimum. The speed of rollers in large rolling mills is an very important aspect to be measured. In this type of application the rpm of each motor is measured and compared to setpoints. Under load motors draw more current which may damage the working capabilities of the motor thus causing damage. Hence there is a need for operating range for a motor to work even in extreme conditions. Characteristics such as Speed, Torque, Power, operating voltage and current are important for selection of motors. Power is the capability of the motor to do some work. The motor characteristics at high speed are highly different from that to low speeds. The power of motors is very low at high speeds consuming very less of electric distribution. The shunt wound type of motors run basically at a constant speed, regardless of load. In industries the shunt wound motors are used where speed control is a critical aspect. The shunt wound motors are highly flexible, versatile and even the operation costs are minimum. Motors runs at certain speed depending on the shunt field and armature. The armature produces the back EMF to maintain a certain speed as the shaft rotates. The back EMF is produced when the rotor rotates. As the load increases it causes the armature shaft to slow down and in this case the back EMF produced will be decreased. There are two methods for controlling the speed of a motor. The first one is by increasing or decreasing the voltage supply to the field. If less voltage is given the motor runs at low speed and as the voltage is increased the speed increases accordingly. The other method is by inserting resistance in the field circuit which makes the speed to vary upon changing the load. When load is increased apparently speed is decreased and vice versa. The change in load and speed torque and power can be acquired with the Software designed for acquisition and data analysis which is LabVIEW. LABVIEW Lab view in short is for Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench. Labview is a very powerful and flexible instrumentation and analysis software developed by National Instruments. Labview is a programme particularly developed for engineers and scientists working in automation industry and data analysis. The principle Labview works is the data flow. They are broken into wires and nodes. The inputs and outputs are considered a node. It has got the built in libraries for Data Acquisition, Instrument Control and data analysis. Data acquisition is to measure electrical or physical quantities such as voltage, current, temperature, pressure, or sound. PC-based data acquisition is a combination of hardware, application software, and pc for logging the data. Software is highly important to data acquisition systems. The reduction of hardware can be done if an effective software is designed. Data Acquisition software collects the data and displays the data. Ease in data analysis and presentation are the major reasons for using the computers in data acquisition . LabVIEW can acquire accurate and timely measurements for monitoring industrial and control system applications. LabVIEW quickly connects to number of industrial sensors which acquires data at very high speeds. The tools provided in the LabVIEW can perform advanced signal processing, frequency analysis, digital signal processing. LabVIEW can also be applied for machine vision, motion control, and machine condition monitoring In LabVIEW, the logic can be easily developed by using the drag drop graphical icons instead of writing lines of programs. Time taking programmes can be written in very short period using labview. This graphical language can be used in industrial applications to control instruments, build automated test systems, and acquire data virtually and many more. LITERATURE REVIEW The literature on fundamentals and applications of data acquisition, instrumentation, and control to engineering and technology is very extensive. Peter T lee conducted experiments based on the torque-speed characteristics of a motor with the help of mechanical design and 3-D using the computer. The computer simulation was drawn from a mechanical model. Upon implementing the above methods a conclusion has been made on the torque- speed characteristics of dc shunt motor. The maximum speed of the motor is at no load applying zero torque. The stall torque represents a point where the motor is at zero speed. Dynamic and steady state response mathematical models were designed. The torque meter is used to calculate the torque. The torque speed curve obtained is is bit nonlinear. The mechanical design produced had few constraints which led to the nonlinearity of the curves. As described by Comer in dc electric motor control systems series motors develop high torques at very low speeds when compared to shunt motors. For a given voltage the speed-torque characteristics show a linear decrease with the speed. Motor speed is controlled by controlling the voltage to the armature which involves construction of a circuit involving inverter amplifier, opamps, pulse width modulator which is confusing and rather time taking. Saffet Ayasun proposed Matlab and Simpower systems for studying the steady state and transient characteristics of electrical machines. Simulink models have been designed to control the speed in three ways. Simulink has been proposed for field resistance control, armature resistance control and armature voltage control. The conclusions drawn from the simulink modelling is that the electrical machines are perfectly integrated with the software. Pierre Guillemin proposed a technique based on fuzzy logic for controlling a dc motor. His work included on motors in food processing industries whose speed varies upon load. He worked on designing the fuzzy logic for the speed to be constant even though theres a much change in the load. The main methodlogy is top control the voltage involving the techniques of phase angle modulation and pulse width modulation. Use of fuzzy logic avoided the need for mathematical modelling. Real time test and acquisition has been done using the pc and eprom version of ST6 device has been used for controlling the fuzzy logic. So the main disadvantage of using ST6 is that it needs pages of text coding and has a instruction list of 40./p From the above proposed techniques we can conclude that it not only makes the system complicated but also it takes lot of time to design a program and create a logic for it to run. Manual way of operating may result in human errors decreasing the quality of product. Hence the need for data acquisition at high speed without much implementation of hardware components can be possible with the help of virtual instrumentation. Virtual instrumentation is the combination of modular software and I/O with software as its main tool. Today in any type of computer aided manufacturing project work and laboratory tests, precision and reliability of instrumentation and data acquisition techniques may cause major impacts on results and outcomes. Therefore, there is a need to gain knowledge and skills to obtain any type of physical or virtual data on manufacturing, testing, measurement, and protection areas. METHODOLOGY The data has been acquired from a dynamometer motor system and is displayed on the pc for analysis involving a communication between hardware and software. The ADC card communicates between the systems with the help of a data cable. The conditioned signals are connected to the channels of the DAQ board. The hardware system is in conjunction with the PC running LabVIEW. LabVIEW contains front panel and the block diagram which displays the data acquired and further analysis can be done. The front panel and block diagram are responsible for the understanding of programming involved. CHAPTER-2 VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION Virtual Instrumentation is the combination of software, Input/Output hardware for the user desired applications. Sofware is the heart of Virtual Instrumentation. Instrumentation is basically divided into two types one is natural instrumentation and the other is Virtual Instrumentation. Natural instrumentation consists of hardware components and Virtual instrumentation is of Software with limited hardware components. The main difference between natural instrumentation and virtual instrumentation is that the software component of virtual instruments is more reliable and versatile when compared to the hardware components. TRADITIONAL INSTRUMENT VS VIRTUAL INSTRUMENT The above Fig shows the difference between natural Instrument and a Virtual Instruments. In natural instrument a embedded chip is fixed to do a particular job which is not flexible whereas in a virtual instrument software can be modified and used for different applications as per the requirement. LabVIEW Labview stands for Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench. LabView is a visual programming language from National Instruments. The graphical language is originally named G. LabVIEW is used for data acquisition, industrial automation and instrument control. The programs in labview are called as virtual instruments .The graphical language can be easily identified by visual identification which makes it very easier to understand. Labview programs are termed as virtual instruments as they generally look and work as the instruments. Labview comes with a mechanism which allows data to pass between front panel and the block diagram. Labview is used by engineers and scientists to develop the sophisticated measurement, test, analyse control systems using graphical icons and wires. Labview can integrate with thousands of hardware devices and numerous built libraries are provided for analysis and data visualisation DATAFLOW PROGRAMMING The programming language used in LabVIEW is called G which is termed as a dataflow language. Labview Programme execution is determined by the way the block diagram is structured. Drawing wires are used to connect different function nodes. The information is transferred through the wires. The program is executed as soon as the input is available. G program is capable of parallel execution. The dataflow completely defines the execution sequence, and can be fully controlled by the programmer. The execution sequence is perfectly defined in Labview as defined in some software languages. GRAPHICAL PROGRAMMING LabVIEW programs are called virtual instruments. Each VI has three components: Block diagram Front panel Connector pane. Data Flow is the principle for the VI execution. The VI are data driven whereas the normal text coding are instruction driven as specified by the programmer. When all the input data is available then the node starts executing and the processed data is supplied to the output terminals. The graphical language makes it very easier for the programmers in which virtual instruments can be dragged and dropped as per requirement. Stand alone applications can be built with the help of advanced labview development systems. The front panel serves as a user interface between the user and the pc. When front panel is dropped as a node onto the block diagram, the node inputs and outputs can be defined in with the help of connector pane. CHAPTER -3 DC SHUNT MOTOR A motor is a machine which converts electrical energy to mechanical or rotating energy. DC motors are basically divided into two types. Series motors and Shunt motor. Shunt Motor are the one in which the field is parallel to the load. In shunt motors the armature is mounted on the motor shaft. The rotating part in the dc motor is termed as the armature. The windings are located in the slots on the surface of the armature. When the current is supplied to the armature windings it creates a magnetic field that reacts with the field poles. Hence this magnetic field develops a torque which turn the rotor that is the armature. While the rotor rotates it induces a voltage which is opposite to the supplied voltage and hence emf is generated. At start the resistance is high and as the motor picks up the speed the resistance is reduced gradually. In manual start the resistance is controlled by the man at work whereas in automatic start of motor the armature voltage or current is taken into consideration and the resistance is corrected in the begging of start . The increase in armature voltage results in increase in speed and as the armature voltage is decreased the speed decreases. Torque is directly proportional to armature current. Increases in armature current causes the increase in torque.The rotation of the armature can be reversed by reversing the current direction. At start of the motor the current is high. As armature starts rotating the back emf increases gradually with the speed and the current decreases. When the speed of the armature comes to constant the back emf is stable approaching the induced voltage. If a mechanical load is applied the speed decreases and hence the counter emf decreases. This decreases in counter emf increases the differential voltage and thus increases the input current supply to motor. Torque is directly proportional to armature magnetic field strength. Armature magnetic field is directly proportional to armature current which in turn depends on mechanical load applied. Hence any increase in mechanical load increases the armature current and armature magnetic field strength and thus the Torque increases. Thus the speed of the motor decreases. DC motors are differentiated based on their voltage, torque, speed and power. TORQUE Torque is the rotating force of the shaft of a motor. This rotating force is developed due to the interaction of magnetic field between field windings and the field poles. The torque of a motor can be determined by connecting it to prony brake The torque in general terms is the force exerted by the shaft of a motor. i.e if force is applies to a lever which is free to rotate about one fixed point the lever will rotate unless restrained. The torque is defined as t=Fr or Frsin?. The torque which is produced in clockwise is called a clockwise torque and the torque which is obtained in anticlockwise is called anticlockwise torque. FULL LOAD TORQUE The continous torque motor can support without overheating under the specified time rating is full load torque. PEAK TORQUE Peak torque is the maximum torque required at any point. Peak torque is delivered to motor without much overheating the motor. Peak torque is normally less than the stall torque. PULL OUT TORQUE This is maximum torque of the rotating shaft when operated at high speed and full voltage. Pull out torque is also considered as the breakdown torque. STARTING TORQUE Torque exerted by the motor when energized at full voltage with its shaft locked is starting torque. It is also termed as locked rotor torque. SPEED The motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. The rotational energy is used to lift things, propel things, turn things, etc. When a specific voltage is supplied to a motor, it rotates the output shaft at a particular speed. The angular velocity, is measured in rad/s, rps, rpm. Speed of a shunt motor can be controlled in three ways. Field Control Method Armature Control Method Armature Voltage Control method FIELD CONTROL METHOD In field control method the speed of the armature is controlled by adjusting the field current. upto certain speed the counter emf and the speed remains constant. Field Control method is also termed as constant speed drive. ARMATURE RESISTANCE CONTROL In Armature resistance control external resistance is inserted in the armature circuit for controlling the speed of motor. The insertion of resistance keeps the armature current constant in certain speed range. The main disadvantages using this techniques include powerloss in external resistance and overall low efficiency when speed is reduced to great extent. ARMATURE VOLTAGE CONTROL Armature voltage control is preferred over the other methods as powerloss and low efficiency is avoided. In this method the shunt field current is kept constant while varying the armature voltage. Hence the armature current and the flux generated remains constant. At certain current the torque remains constant since armature current is directly proportional to torque. Thus the speed of the motor can be controlled to certain range. SPEED REGULATION The speed regulation for a dc motor is the ratio of change in speed from no load to full loadf load speed. POWER The power of a motor is defined as the capability of motor to do given amount of work.Power of a motor depends on torque, speed of the shaft and the amount of time the time operates. Electric motors are rated generally on their maximum efficiency. Thus Greater the horse power of a motor greater is the working range. Operation of a motor more than rated horse power leads to overheating of the motor thus causing a stall. This may even damage the motor in the long run. The power of motor can be determined by connecting it to a dynamometer. DYNAMOMETER Dynamometer is a device which measures force and power. Eddy current Dynamometer consists of a stator in which electromagnets and rotor disc are coupled to shaft of the engine .When a rotor is made to rotate the eddy currents are produced in the stator due to magnetic flux which is created by the filed current in electromagnets. This type of dynamometers requires some cooling arrangement as the eddy currents produced dissipates heat energy. The moment arm is used to measure the torque. In this kind of dynamometers the load is controlled by the regulation of currents in electromagnetic fields. Design Cycle The selection of appropriate hardware and software was an essential part of this project. The first section of this chapter 4 gives the information of hardware components of a system, the diagrams and specifications are discussed .The second part of this chapter describes the hardware design process and software is described in the third section ,code used for the system are going to be presented. CHAPTER 4 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP DC SHUNT MOTOR-WORKING The DC motor has two basic parts: The choosen shunt Dc motor is the motor which converts electrical power to mechanical power. The shunt motor is different from that of series motor. In the shunt type dc motor field winding is connected in parallel with the armature. The field winding is parallel to armature and this is referred as shunt winding and the motor is called a shunt motor. The rated rpm of the motor is 1500. The speed of the motor can be increased or decreased with the help of a drive. The current can be increased or decreased to set the speed. To reduce the speed of the motor mechanical load can be applied. Torque can be applied to reduce the speed of the motor. Under loaded conditions the speed of the motor reduces. Motor can be applied until it reaches the rated torque of the motor. If the load goes beyond the rated torque it starts drawing high curent and after some time it comes to stall. CHARACTERISTICS OF SHUNT MOTOR Shunt motors run at constant speed even when there is huge variation in the load. The Speed of the shunt-wound motors may be regulated in two ways. The first way is by putting resistance in series with the armature, through which the speed is decreased and the second method is by inserting resistance in the field by which the speed will vary as the motor is loaded. The characteristics of a shunt-wound motor is that it has a very good speed regulation, and is aconstant speed motor, though the speed slightly decreases as load is increased. Shunt-wound motors are used mostly in industrial and automotive applications where accurate measurement of Torque, Speed are highly necessary. EDDY CURRENT DYNAMOMETER A dynamometer is a device used to load the motor which also indicates the torque. The dynamometer used in this project works on hysteresis brake principle. The dynamometer system mainly consists of three parts: Dynamometer Torque indicator Power Supply Eddy current dynamometers are the actuated braking systems. This braking system develops load torque with the interaction from the dc magnetic field produced by the windings on the stator and induced eddy currents in the rotor. When the magnetic field is added around the rotor it causes eddy currents. These eddy currents help in slowing down the speed. Dynamometer01CJC.svg The torque developed in the dynamometer is transmitted to the stator which is free to rotate over an arc and this is used to deflect a spring balance and so the torque can be directly measured on a scale. Eddy current dynamometer comes with a rotary potentiometer which works on the principle ROTARY POTENTIOMETER Rotary potentiometers come with a spiral resistive strip, and a wiper which moves axially as it rotates. As the wiper moves across the resistive strip resistance changes. VOLTAGE DIVIDER The voltage divider is used to know the output voltage when input voltage is given across the resistance. The ouput voltage depends upon the input voltage given and the resistor chosen. The resistor choosen is 10k? and an input voltage of 5v is given to the voltage divider. VOLTAGE DIVIDER The input voltage is given across the termicals 1 and 2 and the output voltage is taken across the terminals 2 and 3. Connect the voltmeter across the resistance . Now switch the output voltage off and manipulate the input voltage to 5v. Now switch on the output toggle button on . The input voltage is set to 5v. AC TACHOMETER: Tachometers are used to measure the angular speed of a rotating shaft. The speed is measured in revolutions per minute (rpm). A tachometer works on the principle that it the speed of rotating shaft is determined by the variation in output frequency signal or voltage. As the speed increases the voltage level and the frequency increases. CONTACT TYPE AC TACHOMETER The above fig shows the tachometer coupled to the motor. Ac tachometer used in the design is rated at 0.5v/100rpm. It shows that increase in speed increases. For every 100rpm variation the voltage increases by 0.5 rpm. The voltage signal from the ac tachometer is given to the simple presicion rectifier which further converts the signal to dc voltage. SIMPLE PRECISION FULL WAVE RECTIFIER A simple precision full wave rectifier converts the ac voltage to dc voltage. The simple precision full wave rectifier is built with operation amplifier which works on the principle of differential voltage. An operational amplifier is a DC-coupled high-gain electronic voltage amplifier which has differential inputs and a single output. Negative feed back controls the gain in the opamps. The output goes positive when the non inverting input(+) goes more positive than the inverting input (-) and vice versa When the input signal goes positive again, the op amps output voltage will take time to go back to zero, then to forward bias the diode and produce an output. The time taken is determined by the opamps slew rate. Slew rate is the maximum attainable range of the output voltage. Slew rate limits the highest frequency of the sin wave. The opamp 741 choosen in the project has a slew rate of 0.5v per micro seconds SIMPLE PRECISION FULL WAVE RECTIFIER The negative voltage at the input through the diode and resistor. The positive half cycles appear at the output of the second diode. When positive voltage is given the feed back is given by the diodes and hence negative cycles . The positive cycles and negative cycles are summed differentially to get the output voltage. The opamp 741 choosen in the project has a slew rate of 0.5v per micro seconds For measurement applications the signal has to be ripple free. Hence low pass filter can be used to achieve the signal free from ripples. RC LOW PASS FILTER Resistor Capacitance generally termed as RC circuits are used in filtering a signal waveform, thus changing the relative amounts of high frequency and low information in their output signals compared to their input signals. RC filter is a common application for smoothing a signal. The RC circuit has a capacitor and a resistor in which are connected in series. The charged capacitor would discharge its energy into the resistor placed in series with it. This voltage across the capacitor is found through Kirchhoffs current law which says that the current coming from capacitor is equal the current flowing out through the resistor. The linear differential eqn. can be given by ANALOG TO DIGITAL CARD Analog to Digital conversion is interfacinf the analog I/O with the Digital I/O. ADC cnversion takes place in three stages. They are Sampling, Quantisation and encoding. The ADC card which is used in the Project is CIO-DASO8/JR-A0. SAMPLING The analog input cannot be directly sent to the pc. The ADC digitises the analog input signal continusly. The proper reconstruction of signal is possible only when the sampling rate is twice the highest frequency component. If the sampling rate is under that the problem of Alaising occurs. To eleminate the problems of aliasing the signal must be sampled at a rate higher than Nyquist frequency rate. The fig shows the sampling rates and the construction of the signal. If a signal is sampled at too low rate perfect reconstruction of signal is nt possible which results in the loss of data. QUANTISATION Quantisation represents the signal in discrete and certainj voltage levels. Quantisation actually is approximating the signals to the lowest possible range. The fig below shows the sampling of a singal which is then quatises indicated by a red line. The quantization is necessary as during the sampling the small range of signals may not be digitised. This results in loss of information. By approximating the values the reconstruction of signal is perfect. CODING Coding is the process of converting the sampled signals to n bits which are represented by 0 and 1s. These bits represent certain voltage levels which is given by the resolution. SPECIFICATIONS When acquiring data to a computer, an analog to digital Conveter takes an analog signal and digitises the signal. The sigal is digitised to sertain binary numbers. These binary numbers represents respective voltage levels. Resolution refers to the number of binary levels ADC can represent a signal. The resolution of a n bit ADC can be by taking the value . The ADC card which is used in the Project is CIO-DASO8/JR-A0. DATA ACQUISITION AND CONTROL ARCHITECTURE Data acquisition and cntrol architectlog input is given to the pc via ADC which converts the analog input to digital input. The data can be transmitted bidirectionally with the help of data acquisition device. Labview Software is loaded in the pc which acquires the data with the help of built in libraraies. INSTACAL Instacal is software which manages the data acquisition hardware. It is used in calibration of the boards attached. It scans all the internal registers and the electronic equipment and if any fault found error messages are shown. The ADC is calibrated with the help of instacal to check whether the data logger is accurate or not. CHAPTER 5 LABVIEW Labview environment is opened by when new VI is selected from the start up screen. The file menu contains commands for file manipulations. Edit menu is used to modify the block diagram and front panel objects. By default the undo or redo settings for a VI are 8. It can be manipulated as per the requirement. Operate menu acts in running or stopping a VI or to change the settings of VI. The tools menu acts as interface in communicating with the data acquisition boards to build the applications and in enabling the web server. WINDOW INTRODUCTION Labview programming is mainly divided into two panels. The first one is the Front Panel and all the controls and indicators are in located in the front panel. The second window, is called the Diagram, where all the codes and wire connections can be done. Most of the important connections in Labview are made in the DIAGRAM. There are two other windows which play a major role in programming. They are the and the function palette and Controls Palette. The Controls Palette is used on the Front Panel for placing objects such as indicators, charts, and clusters controls s. All the Data Acquisition Blocks can be found in the Function Palette .It is also used in the diagram window for placing Boolean operators, mathematical operations, and many other different VIs, or Virtual Instruments. Control panel is accessible only when the front panel is active. The Tools Palette contains all the tools are needed to manipulate data, changing switches, moving items around, and connecting parts on the Diagram. When the mouse moves over on these tools a help bubble will appear to tell what the device choosen is. The Data Acquisition Vis associated with CIO-DASO8/JR-AO are located on the functions palette. The universal library palette contains the Vis for all the DAQ cards. CIO_DASO/JR-AO card has only very basic design which is capable of using only simpler Vis. ANALOG INPUT Analog input reads a single A/D channel. This VI reads the specified A/D channel from the specified board. The board numbers are marked from 0-100. Board number 0 is the default value. If the specified has a programmable gain then it sets the gain to specified range. This VI converts the raw A/D to A/D value and returned to data value. ANALOG INPUT Inputs: BoardNum [U32] The board number when installed with InstaCal; can be 0 to 100 Channel [I32] The channel number takes the channel being used; A/D channel number Range [I32] The analog to digital range. Adjustable in between +/-12v;A/D Range Outputs: DataValue [U16] The data value give the analog to digital sample Value of A/D sample ErrCode [I32] Error code TO ENG.VI To Eng.vi covertsConverts a single A/D count value to an appropriate equivalent voltage value, or converts an array of A/D counts to an array of equivalent voltage values. SUBTRACT The subtract Vi Computes the difference between the two inputs. If two waveform values or two dynamic data type values fed to this function, error in and error out terminals appear on the function. When two time stamp values are subtracted from each other it yields a numeric value. A numerical value can be subtracted from a time stamp. A time stamp cannot be subtracted from a numeric value. The default data types are displayed by the connector pane. DIVIDE The divide vi Computes the quotient of inputs. If dynamic data type values of similarity are fed to this function, error in and error out appears on the function. The default data for this polymorphic function is described by the connector pane. MULTIPLY Returns the product of the inputs. If wiring two dynamic data type values to this function, results in error in and error out terminals on the function. The default data types for this polymorphic function is described in connector pane. BUILD XY GRAPH Build XY graph formats the data displayed on the xy graph. X,Y are the inputs given. The output is taken from the XY graph. The output is connected to the waveform chart for the display of graph. WHILE LOOP: Repeats the sub terminal under it until it receives a Boolean value. When a while loop is placed on the block diagram it comes with a stop button which is wired to conditional terminal. If a while loop is not placed the program will run and stop each time and run time engine is to be used again. WAIT (MS) Waits for the specified number of milliseconds and returns the value of the millisecond timer. Wait does not complete execution until the specified time has elapsed. If a VI is executed it will finish executing only after the input time given to wait for. If two VIs are in parallel a the second VI waits for the first to finish off and the second starts executing depending on the timer value. SELECTING AND DELETING WIRES A single or horizontal piece of wire is known as wire segment. The point where three or four wire segments join is called a junction. A wire branch contains all the wire segments from one junction to another, from a terminal to another junction or from one terminal to another if there are no junctions in between. A wire can be selected by placing it on the positioning tool. CHAPTER 6 MANUAL OPERATION- MOTOR LOAD The method used to load the motor is torque mode. As many as load points can be applied until the motor is at the rated torque. Couple the dynamometer to the motor. The power supply of the dynamometer must be in zero position. Now Start the motor and adjust the speed to no-load value. Start with the no-load speed at 1500 rpm at no load and gradually increase the load on the motor. Adjust the field current to maintain rated speed until the motor draws rated current. Now turn on the readout unit and the power supply. With constant field excitation, load the motor in increasing steps until the motor reaches rated value. For each step measure and record Torque, Speed and voltage. Reduce the load to zero. Manually taken values are analysed in MS-EXCEL plotting the graphs for torque-voltage, speed, voltage, and speed and torque. TORQUE VS VOLTAGE MANUAL READINGS Analysis For Torque Vs Voltage The graphs have been plotted for a series of readings.The above graph represents the voltage with respect to torque. From the above graph it can be concluded that there is a linear relationship between torque and voltage which makes a sense that the voltage is at peak of 3.96v at 0 torque and steadily decreased as the torque increased. The above calucalted torque formula is used to caluclate the torque from voltage with the help of LABVIEW. SPEED AND ARMATURE VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS-MANUAL OPERATION The below presented graphs are taken for Speed vs Voltage manually. The voltage is caluclated by varying the speed with the help of a dc drive. The speed is varied in steps of 100 and the corresponding voltage readings are taken. ARMATURE VS VOLTAGE SPEED ANALYSIS FOR ARMATURE SPEED-VOLTAGE From the above voltage speed characteristics we can observe that at low speed the voltage is minimum and the speed of the armature is incresed the voltage increased linearly. The graph almost shows a linear relationship between speed and voltage. At a speed of 67 the dc voltage is around 0.1 and the speed is increased to 1488 the voltage went high upto 3.4V thus moving linearly with the speed. APPLICATION OF LABVIEW FOR MOTOR- LOAD CHARACTERISTICS From the above graphs and caluclations it can be concluded that it is not possible to manually check for the speed of motor each and every time it is varied. Some motors need to run at different speeds in different conditions as per the requirement. Manually taking the readings may also cause some errors due to human mistakes which may result in loss of time and accuracy in producing the goods. So labview can be used to avoid these errors which continuously keep the track on data. The visual language is easy to understand with out much difficulty making it easy to understand for man at work. Programs can build in such a way that the conditional loops can be written which act according to the changes in the input. Thus due to these features such as Ease of use, , invaluable built-in functions, programming capabilities, flexible user interfaces, unambiguous compilation, comprehensive dataflow tracking features, and debugging tools, and compatibility with many hardware facilities make LabVIEW a power tool in data acquisition, control and analysis. CHAPTER 7 LABVIEW WORKING PROCEDURE PC MONITORING A eddy current dynamometer is coupled to the dc shunt wound motor(1500 rpm). An ac tachometer is coupled to the motor which gives out an ac voltage in the range of(0-9v). The mechanical load is applied to the motor by varying the torque from the eddy current dynamometer and by using a voltage divider voltage is taken which is of range(0-4vdc).The output voltage is pure dc which can be fed to ADC. The output from ac tachometer is a ac voltage . Ac signal cannot be fed to the adc . The ac signal obtained contains noisy disturbances which when fed directly cannot be digitised. This signal can be converted to dc by using simple precision rectifier circuit. The output from the precision full wave rectifier is a dc voltage. The dc voltage obtained contains nosiy disturbances. Signal conditioning filters the ripple content present in the signal. To eleminate this ripple a RC filter is used.The output from RC filter is a pure dc without ripple which can be fed to ADC card. The output signal from the RC filter can now be fed into ADC card which is of range(0-4v). Thus the two signals ar fed to the ADC card which are in the acceptable range of(+/-5v). The signals acquired by the ADC digitise the signals and convert them to binary numbers. The signals are now analysed with the help of Graphical Programming Language LABVIEW.A Virual Instrument is built which takes the input signals and process them to give the output voltage. To measure the motor at a particluar load the dynamometer can set to control in two ways. The first method is by controlling the torque where speed can be measured and vice versa. In both the cases if once the desired point is given, the tester can measure speed, torque, voltage and current depending the way the dynamometer is configured. SOFTWARE DESIGN A LabView program has been designed to show the motor load characteristics which include the monitoring of Speed, Torque and Power. Torque and Speed are calculated from the voltages. Torque is calculated from the voltage coming from eddy current dynamometer Speed is calculated from AC Tachometer. LABVIEW PROGRAM FRONT PANEL DIGRAM FOR THE BLOCK DIAGRAM The front panel window is the interface to the VI code and is one of the two lab view windows that comprise a virtual instrument. The front panel is of command buttons and status indicators that are used for controlling Vis. Push buttons, Knobs, Controls, Graphs acts as input devices. Controls are meant to simulate instrument input devices and supply data to the block diagram of the VI whereas Indicators simulate instrument output devices and display data acquired by the Block Diagram. TORQUE ACQUISITION: The AIN.VI acquires the voltage signal. The voltage can be acquired from the board number zero and the channel number has to be specified for it to recognise and acquire the data. The output from the AI is raw information and needs to be converted to voltage units. The output from the analog input is given to the TOENG.VI which processes the voltage signal received and converts the input signal to appropriate voltage signal. The Voltage can be recorded with the help of a numeric indicator which is connected to the output of the TOENG.VI. The numeric indicator can be connected to the meter which is shown under. The output from the TO ENG.vi is given to the numeric indicator through which the readings can be recorded. The voltage from the motor is of the range (0-4v) which is compatible with the ADC. TORQUE ACQUISITION From the manual readings taken for the voltage- torque we observed that a linear relationship exists between them. Thus from the eqn we derived that To obtain the torque applied to the motor from the voltage signal the program has been designed for the torque equation. A subtract vi is used to take the difference of the voltage and constant which is then divided by the slope Value (M) to get the Torque. The output from the subtract vi is taken and given as one input to the divide vi and the other input is the M which is the slope. The output from the divide.vi is connected to the numercal indicator and meter indicator which gives the display for the torque value. The Torque value obtained can be analysed with the help og Graph connected to a wave form chart. The Graph XY has two inputs in which the torque is connected to x-axis and the y-axis is connected to the voltage. The Graph XY can be configured to suit the scale of x-axis and y-axis. The graphs obtained are saved and analysis has been done. The voltage and torque readings are recorded and analysedwith the help of microsoft excel. LABVIEW ANALYSIS FOR TORQUE AND VOLTAGE The below shown Torque vs Voltage graph has been obtained by running the Lab view program from which the accuracy of the characteristics can be studied. CONCLUSIONS : From the graph we can observe that under no load the voltage is maximum and as the load is increased theres a steady drop in the voltage giving a linear relationship. The voltage is at 3.92 at no load torque and linearly decreased to 3.1 at full load torque. Another important aspect from the above graph is that the graph clearly shows the increasing steps of the torque. The rated torque of the motor is 4.725 Nm. As the motor is loaded above the rated torque the voltage kept decreasing and after certain time it couldnt resist the load above the rated torque and hence stalled. When the load is applied above the rated torque the motor starts drawing high currents which can damage the motor condition in long run. TORQUE VS VOLTAGE -DECREASING LOAD The above graph gives the information of the voltage readings from no load torque to full load torque and the red line represents the voltage calculated from full load torque to no load torque. TORQUE VS VOLTAGE- DECREASING LOAD The difference of 0.2 nm torque is due to mechanical imbalance of the swing assembly. The motor is started at a full load torque above the rated torque and as the torque is decreased in steps the voltage kept increasing. At full load torque the voltage is minimum and as the torque is decreased the voltage reached the peak to a max of 3.92v. SPEED ACQUISITION The input voltage from the ac tachometer is acquired by the AIN.VI. The output Voltage from AIN.Vi is converted to appropriate voltage with the help of the TOENG.vi. The output voltage from the TOENG.Vi is given to the numerical indicator which continuously transmits the data received and a meter to visualise the data. is connected to the output which shows the voltage readings in the front panel. Output from gives the voltage which is further converted to speed by applying the Speed formula calculated from the Manual Operation. Voltage obtained is multiplied by 461.73 and added to 0.74 which are calculated using the slope eqn taken from the manual readings. The voltage output is then caluclted by the Thus the output voltage from the numeric indicator is multiples with the Slope M using a numeric multiply vi and then added to constant C. Armature speed is calculated from the above methodology. The speed of the motor is taken in RPM. The speed is acquired from the ac tacho which gives the ac voltage. This voltage is converted to dc with the help of simple precision rectifier. TACHO VOLTAGE VS SPEED The above graph shows the customized view of tacho voltage vs speed graph. The green line represents the minimum voltage and the blue line represents the max speed at no load. As the motor is loaded there is a steady decrease in the speed. As the speed is decreased the voltage decreases. The graph shows that theres no huge variation in the speed as the motor is loaded to rated torque. From the above graph it proves that theres a linear voltage speed relationship. The speed is maximum at the max voltage. Thus the speed can be controlled by minimizing the voltage. TORQUE VS SPEED CHARACTERISTICS The above graph shows the variation of motor speed starting from no load torque to full load torque. The speed declines with increasing torque. The graph can be defined by 2 load points. Torque at zero is no load point and the rated torque is the stall torque. From the graph it is clear that there is no much variation in the speed when loaded even above the rated torque. In shunt motors the speed variation is less when loaded and hence these motors are considered to be constant speed motors. Theoretically the torque speed of a motor has linear relationship. The above graph shows that as the torque is increasing the speed decreases. The graph shows pretty linear relationships. The ups and downs in the graph is due to the Voltage fluctuations and mechanical vibrations in the motor which is causing it to deviate from the original readings. When the motor is started at full load torque the motor started at very low speeds and as the torque is decreased the speed increased. The graph shows a linear relationship between torque and speed. When loaded above the rated torque the power of the motor is at max drawing heavy currents but as the load is decreased the motor started gaining the speed and reached the maximum at no load torque. The torque speed characteristics are non-linear at higher current levels. MOTOR BEHAVIOUR OVERLOADED The above graph shows the characteristics of the motor when overloaded. From the graph we can conclude that under no load speed of the motor is at nearly at rated speed(1500rpm). As the torque is increased the speed decreases. When the torque is increased much above the rated torque the speed decreased from 1500 rpm to 800 rpm. The torque load at a speed of 800 rpm the stall torque. When the torque is applied above the rated trque of the motor the speed drastically decreased. From 0 nm to 5 nm the speed decreased linearly without drastic change. After the motor crossed the rated torque the speed began to decrease in large numbers. When the motor is run for some time above the rated torque it stalled. When the motor is run under heavy load for some time the motor starts drawing heavy currents above the ampere rating of the motor and the windings are affected. This may lead to electrical shorts in windings and hence damage the motor in long run. POWER The Power of motor is calculated from the Speed and Torque. The torque is the input from the dynamometer and the output speed from the motor is used to calculate the Power of the motor. The efficiency of a motor is determined by Power. The speed and torque of a motor gives the efficiency of a motor. Depending on the efficiency motors are used for different requirements. STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE TO ACQUIRE POWER Torque is acquired from voltage. Speed is acquired from the ac tacho. The product of torque and speed gives the Power. The torque is in NM and needs to be converted to lb-ft to get the standard units for power. Hence the torque is multiplied with 0.74 to get the output in lb-ft. Speed obtained is in rpm and need not be further changed. The product of speed and torque is taken by Multiply.VI. The output is divided by 5252 to get the result in HP. To convert the hp to KW units the obtained results are multiplied by 0.75. TORQUE VS POWER From the above graph we can observe that the power is minimum at no load and as the load is applied to the motor the power is increased showing a linear graph. The power is 0 at 0 torque and reached a maximum of 0.9Kw at 6.6 nm. As the load is increasing the motor power to drive the shaft is increasing. The small deviations in the graph are due to the voltage fluctuations caused by the noisy disturbances and vibrations of the motor. Hence from the above graph it proves heavy loading of the motor causes power to be consumed more. When the decrease in torque is small it cannot offset the RPM and the power still increases. When the decrease in torque is large enough it there is a steady increase in RPM and hence the power starts to drop. POWER VS SPEED The graphs are plotted for POWER SPEED to analyse the characteristics of the motor. From the above graphs we can see that as the speed increases power decreases that is the maximum electrical energy to turn the shaft is minimum. At a speed of 1500 RPM the power is at nearly 0KW as no load is applied on the motor. Loading the motor the Power kept changing according to the change in speed. At low speed the power is high. This shows that under loaded conditions motor is using its maximum efficiency to turn the motor. If motor is loaded above rated power it starts drawing heavy currents and gets demagnetised before stalling. This Problem can be avoided by designing over load protection. ACCURACY TORQUE METER: The torque meter is 0.9% inaccurate. This is due to the mechanical imbalance of the meter. TACHOMETER The speed obtained is nearly 0.1% inaccurate. The difference between the tachometer speed and the data acquired by the labview is nearly 2rpm. The difference in speed is almost negligible. The small difference is due to the voltage fluctuations which requires filtering. Thus from the above accuracy we can see that the Data acquisition through labview is accurate. It has very minute errors which are almost negligible. CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSIONS: The design, implementation and investigation of pc monitoring of dynamometer measuring device have been studied in detail. Factors like speed, torque and power have been briefly discussed. The characteristics of the motor at no load and at high load are thoroughly studied. After the whole analysis, it can be clearly observed that the shunt wound motors run nearly at constant speed even loaded. Motor characteristics when loaded above full load torque is studied. Data acquisition terminology is used to log the results which are much more accurate than the manually logged data. Concept of Virtual Instrumentation has been implemented to study the voltage, speed, torque, power characteristics. With the help of Labview the real time moments of the motor are captured and analysed. The advantages of Data acquisition through Labview is shown visually with the help of graphs plotted between manually logged results and results obtained in real time using Labview. The need and importance of virtual instrumentation in industry is shown. RECOMMENDATIONS AND FUTURE WORK Developing a programme which directly controls the motor. Conditional statements can be written to control the entire motor process. Digital filtering concept can be implemented instead of the electronic circuits which are confusing. At a time data can acquired for n number of motors. Motor Vibrations can be reduced with the help of hardware designed by National Instruments. NI Labview FPGA model can be implemented and compact RIO hardware can be used to minimise the vibrations of motors for accurate results. REFERENCES LABVIEW 7 EXPRESS BY Robert H. Bishop, Prentice Hall,2003 peter T Lee. (1998). Comprision of Various media in teaching engineering principles. Design of Torque/Speed Curve display mechanism. 1 (1), 3-10. comer filing.(1971).electric motor control systems. Available: https://www.google.co.uk/patents?id=raZzAAAAEBAJprintsec=abstractzoom=4#v=onepageq=f=false. Last accessed 2 feb, 2010 Ronald J Speigel, chapel hill.(1992).Patent. Fuzzy logic integrated control method and apparatus to improve motor efficiency. 1 (1), 1-5. 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